
October 15, 2008

Birthday Madness

Last Saturday was Greg's 22nd Birhtday!!! I was so excited to celebrate it with him. This was the first birthday that I have spent with Greg. I did all the fun birthday things, including decorating the house and breakfast in bed. His birthday was also our 6th month aniversary, Woot! Greg wanted to suprise me with doing sealings at the temple. I figured it out when he told me to get into dress. Later that evening we went out to dinner with our family and friends. It was a lot of fun catching up on the latest family gossip. We ended our evening out with a movie on my dad's big screen. I had managed to secretly decorate our room with balloons, candies, and glowsticks. It was awesome and he loved it. . . being the romantic I am. And what good is a birthday without a little corniness? I also added 22 love notes in some of the balloons, which, of course, he had to pop to read. It was great fun!!

The After Party.


Justin and Carissa said...

You put me to shame! I didn't even make Justin a cake for his birthday. Oh well, maybe next time. I'll have to steal some of your ideas!

Erin Darrington said...

I'm glad I'm not the only hopeless romantic. People tell me that it's the "newlywed" phase... but we've been married 3 years and I don't feel it wearing off any time soon. Maybe a baby will change that, but who knows. Isn't it awesome being so in love? We still need to get together now that you are in Boise.

Hide N Keepsakes said...

Happy Belated Birthday Mister. Your wife is super sweet to do that for you! I hope everything is going well for the two of you! I haven't heard the story of how you guys met and got engaged and all that. Take care.